Dr Sarah Karabus
Dr Sarah Karabus is one of the few sub-specialist paediatric allergologists in South Africa and obtained her qualifications in South Africa and the United Kingdom. She is an associate of the Chest and Allergy Centre in Cape Town. Sarah maintains her links with her alma mater, the University of Cape Town, with a post as consultant and lecturer in the Allergy Division at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, where she has worked since 2003. Her articles are published in several medical journals, she frequently speaks at national and international conferences, is on the e ditorial board of local and international allergy journals and is a co-author of the textbook Allergy Society of South Africa Handbook of Practical Allergy. Sarah is an active board member of the Allergy Society of South Africa and is a founding board member of the Allergy Foundation of South Africa. www.chestandallergy.co.za
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